second chance

What if you had a second chance with the one that got away?

second chance


What if you had a second chance with the one that got away? Would you take it? I would say yes! I believe it is worth it just one more try. If the destiny is kind enough to save for you that chance, you should try to make things right.

What if you don’t succeed? The chances are that if it didn’t succeed the first time it wont succeed the second one. But just maybe, it will. So if you don’t succeed, at least you won’t regret the chance that you didn’t take. The weight of the regret for the chances that you didn’t take is enormous if you compare it to the regret of the  failure to make everything right the second time.

Everyone deserves it. I remember when I didn’t believe in second chances.  If the destiny takes something away from you, it wasn’t meant to be. But I have changed my mind. It’s not easy to do it, believe me. But I have found that it is worth it. And you should try it.

Everything has it’s limit. Be careful though because if the one that got away waste your second chance don’t you ever give it twice.

Pursue your happiness because you are worth it. Good luck with your second chance and be safe in your journey of life.


…by someone that you love…by someone that you respect…by someone you would do everything for… Yes, that’s life!

And I still ask myself “Why did that had to happen to me?”

Have you ever felt disappointed? What did you do about it? Do you think that disappointment comes from expectations? If we don’t expect something then we cannot be disappointed. Do you forgive and forget?

I don’t know… but I know that at some point in your life you will fill disappointed and it will not be easy.

Today I share with you what I have learned from my experiences.

Do not expect anything from anyone – This is the hardest one. You always expect something from someone you know. But the more you expect something the more disappointed you will feel. The only way to prevent yourself from feeling disappointed is not to expect from people.

Other point of view – Try to think from different perspective. You can do it by asking yourself some questions. Why are you feeling disappointed? Could the person that made you feel that way do anything to change that if he/she could? Did he/she do it intentionally?

Learn the lesson – I believe that everything happens for a reason. Whatever it is that you went through you have to analyze it and see if you can learn something from it.

Finally, move on! – You cannot let that feeling be with you for too long. You decide for yourself if you are going to stay mad, disappointed or whatever you like. You decide if you are going to give the person second chance. But the most important of all is that you have to move on whatever happened.